Attorney - a professional specialist dedicated to protecting rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and laws of the Ukraine, to representing the interests of citizens and firms and to rendering legal aid.
The term "Attorney" (advokat, avocatio) comes from a Latin word which means to protect, to represent in court, to give someone legal advice.
Till present times, the meaning of the term has not changed and currently, an attorney is a person who gives advice on legal questions and protects your rights and interests.
Unfortunately, presently, a person frequently is not capable of protecting independently himself or his business. Therefore, if you wish to find a reliable lawyer and to provide protection of your own interests or safety of your business, I offer you my partnership.
The main principles of an attorney's responsibilities are:
- Competence and Professionalism - a high professional standard and wide array of experience in judiciary practice enables an attorney to resolve an issue that will provide the most beneficial result.
- Priority of Interests of the Client - maximum effort is applied to protect the interests of the client while working on cases.
- Conscientiousness - diligent performance of the tasks assigned to the lawyer is a precondition of success.
- Confidentiality - any information received by the lawyer from the client and also any information about the client or other persons involved is not subject to disclosure and is kept secret.
- Honesty - before choosing the way of protecting the client's interest and rights, the case is thoroughly analyzed in order to find the best way of proceeding. The client is always informed about all available options and possible scenarios.
Kyiv, Ukraine, 04071. Tel.:(044) 339-56-03
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